Join us on the 1st Wednesday of each month (September - June) in the Rectory Conference Room beginning at 6:30 pm. Please call the office at 330-762-7277 for more information.
Adult C0-ed Bible Study
Join us on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month in the Rectory Conference Room beginning at 7 pm. Please call the office at 330-762-7277 for more information.
St. Anthony's Parish and Blessed Trinity Parish have a unique relationship. We share a common DRE (Director of Religious Education) in the person of Mrs. Terri Bullock. Our two parishes also share a common PSR program for children grades 1 -8. Classes are held at St. Anthony school on most Sunday mornings from 9:20 to 10:20; September through April. Click on the link below for additional details and registration information.